FRIDAY 2: Back Up, Mary!

Despite my current and suddenly socially acceptable fear of germs, I went to the grocery story this morning. For me, it was made slightly less harrowing thanks to the fact that I’ve really thrown myself into the practice of social distancing and isolation over the last 9 months. If ever there was a silver lining to anxiety and depression, this is it. 

Lately, it’s not abnormal for me to clam up and shrink into the corner of any room containing more than three people. Standing in the tiny lobby of my gym, waiting for a class to begin, has been an exercise in deep breathing and relaxation techniques. The act of talking myself into actually going to the gym, combined with this raging case of resting bitch face I have, hasn’t exactly made me an endearing gym member, let alone gained me any friends.

Today, however, I embraced my unique skill set and walked into that store wearing a giant but invisible bubble around myself. For the most part, the other shoppers seemed to be practicing the same technique. Eye contact was minimal. There were some people wearing masks and more than a few wearing gloves, me included. (I know, I know… gloves don’t really help at all but… anxiety, remember?)

There were a few seniors citizens who seemed unconcerned. Who knows, maybe they’ve just decided to roll the dice and see what happens? Alternatively, maybe they’re still just living their best lives, without access to things like, say… current events. (PSA: Call your parents and grandparents and explain the whole 6 feet apart thing.)

One woman repeatedly ignored the (highly visible) signs taped to the floor saying, “Please wait here for social distancing purposes”.  She snapped at the store associate who politely drew her attention to this new process called, “Wait Your Fucking Turn”.  I was left with the impression that she’s a life-long line cutter and proud of it. Clearly, she doesn’t have the time for this kind of bullshit.

Over in the dairy aisle, an older gentlemen acted similarly. He was just much more aggressive about it. Using his cart as weapon, he shoved his way through the equidistant line people nervously waiting to grab a gallon of milk. Elbowing his way through me and two others, he approached the dairy case where a woman was in the process of reaching for milk. He stepped in front of her, reached into the case to grab a gallon, then slammed the door shut while muttering a string of curses. The poor woman was shocked. I wanted to kick him in the shins or throw some eggs at his head, but decided to walk away and remove myself from his shitty/angry/selfish energy.

Now that I’m home and spent approximately 30 minutes disinfecting groceries in the driveway with a variety of antibacterial products, I’m going to try to focus on NOT focusing on other people. 


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