When I opened my eyes this morning I was struck by the finite number of possibilities stretching before me on this lovely Sunday. The 8th day of social isolation arrived with a hint of cabin fever. It would truly be amateur hour if I were to reference Bill Murray and his Ground Hog Day movie, but I guess I just did.
We need to step up our game today and make some changes to the (non-existent) schedule. For instance, today I will put on pants. Maybe go for a bike ride. Perhaps I'll spend an inordinate amount of time coaxing my son to leave his room or, alternatively, to speak. He is currently mostly non-verbal. It's hard to keep inviting, suggesting, and coaxing people to join and not begin to feel deflated.
Yesterday, when I was reviewing the grocery order, I asked him what, if anything, I could put on the list for him. Something that will make you happy, I said. He asked for Mexican soda. Not just plain ol' soda, but Mexican soda in very specific tropical flavors. Just a tiny bit of excitement washed over his face. I saw it there, I swear. Then, knowing full well that Peapod does not carry or deliver his brand of Mexican soda, I entered his very specific request in the search bar and pressed enter anyway. Hope is a good thing.
In the end, he settled on the decidedly more pedestrian, Dr. Pepper.
If that's the worst of his problems right now, that's cool. I'll take it.
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